Please discover, as you scroll through the panels below, multiple ways in which the Synod is interested in and willing to help you achieve your ministry goals. Grants are available through Special and Restricted Funds, including a special section reserved for efforts that meet the Matthew 25 guidelines, Partnering Grants, and Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation Grants.
Also included within the Synod's work is ongoing support for the Rev. Dr. Leon E. Fanniel Racial Ethnic Pastoral Leadership Scholarship Program (REPL).
Please note that for your convenience, all Synod Grant Applications can be completed electronically and returned by email. REPL application forms are in Microsoft Word format; the rest are in PDF-fillable format.
It is important to realize that any PDF document that has spaces for information to be entered on the form MUST be downloaded to your computer or mobile device before you begin to enter your information. Simply click on the link for the PDF you will need and you'll see it pop up on your screen, but at this point it's only a screen image. Any method you use to move a photo file to your computer/mobile device should work for saving a PDF to your system; please see the next paragraph for additional suggestions.
For most computer or mobile devices, go to FILE and select "Save to PDF" or "Download File." Or, depending on your operating system, you may need to select "Print to PDF" under your Print function. If your electronic format allows, you can also save a PDF by dragging the image you see onto your screen.
Once you have downloaded the file you'll be able to fill in the required information. You can save your work at any time so you can come back to it, or when completed, forward the completed document as directed for the individual grant opportunity you are seeking.
Using the free Adobe Reader is recommended for fill-in PDFs. Please follow the instructions above this panel to be sure you've downloaded the file before you begin to work.
Restricted and Special Funds of the Synod of Southern California and Hawaii are available for application by all churches and presbyteries within the Synod.
Consideration will be given to projects where matching funds from local sources are available. Typically, grants are not intended to be solely used for ongoing staff salaries.
PLEASE NOTE: All applications must come from your Presbytery. Please contact your Presbytery Executive. Questions? Please email the Business Manager Desk at the Synod.
Using the free Adobe Reader is recommended for fill-in PDFs. Using the free Adobe Reader is recommended for fill-in PDFs. Please follow the instructions above this panel to be sure you've downloaded the file before you begin to work.

The Synod Matthew 25 Grant is a unique Special and Restricted Funds opportunity that churches in the Synod of SoCal and Hawaii may apply for to assist them in meeting one or more of the goals of the PCUSA Matthew Movement—to eradicate systemic poverty, dismantle systemic racism and build congregational vitality.
PLEASE NOTE: All applications must come from your Presbytery. Please contact your Presbytery Executive. Questions? Please email the Business Manager Desk at the Synod.
The Partnering Grants Program follows a specific protocol. Requests are created in close cooperation with Presbytery leadership and approved by the Presbytery first.
* You may download the Partnering Grants Protocol HERE.
Within this document are links to the PCUSA's Mission Grant Program and to the Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program as well as other useful information needed to work with the Synod's Partnering Grants Work Group.
PLEASE NOTE: All applications must come from your Presbytery. Please contact your Presbytery Executive.
Questions? Please email the Business Manager Desk at the Synod.
Using the free Adobe Reader is recommended for fill-in PDFs. Please follow the instructions above this panel to be sure you've downloaded the file before you begin to work.
If your church, presbytery, or Synod related partner's project idea fits within this framework of JPIC's mission, a JPIC grant might be just what you need to accomplish your goals.
Please use the application form linked above to describe your project and what financial help is needed.
PLEASE NOTE: All applications must come from your Presbytery. Please contact your Presbytery Executive.
Questions? Please email the Business Manager Desk at the Synod.
If your project relates to the PCUSA Matthew Movement, you may wish to also consider that opportunity to fund your project, listed also on this page.
Privacy Policy
This website does not collect any personal information. We do collect numerical data as to traffic to the site, but this data is not attached in any way to our visitors' personal or computer identities. Those clicking through to other websites linked from this page are subject to those sites' privacy policies.

Please discover, as you scroll through the panels below, multiple ways in which the Synod is interested in and willing to help you achieve your ministry goals. Grants are available through Special and Restricted Funds, including a special section reserved for efforts that meet the Matthew 25 guidelines, Partnering Grants, and Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation Grants.
Also included within the Synod's work is ongoing support for the Rev. Dr. Leon E. Fanniel Racial Ethnic Pastoral Leadership Scholarship Program (REPL).
Please note that for your convenience, all Synod Grant Applications can be completed electronically and returned by email. REPL application forms are in Microsoft Word format; the rest are in PDF-fillable format.
It is important to realize that any PDF document that has spaces for information to be entered on the form MUST be downloaded to your computer or mobile device before you begin to enter your information. Simply click on the link for the PDF you will need and you'll see it pop up on your screen, but at this point it's only a screen image. Any method you use to move a photo file to your computer/mobile device should work for saving a PDF to your system; please see the next paragraph for additional suggestions. For most computer or mobile devices, go to FILE and select "Save to PDF" or "Download File." Or, depending on your operating system, you may need to select "Print to PDF" under your Print function. If your electronic format allows, you can also save a PDF by dragging the image you see onto your screen.
Once you have downloaded the file you'll be able to fill in the required information. You can save your work at any time so you can come back to it, or when completed, forward the completed document as directed for the individual grant opportunity you are seeking.
Using the free Adobe Reader is recommended for fill-in PDFs. Please follow the instructions above this panel to be sure you've downloaded the file before you begin to work.
Restricted and Special Funds of the Synod of Southern California and Hawaii are available for application by all churches and presbyteries within the Synod.
Consideration will be given to projects where matching funds from local sources are available. Typically, grants are not intended to be solely used for ongoing staff salaries.
PLEASE NOTE: All applications must come from your Presbytery. Please contact your Presbytery Executive. Questions? Please email the Business Manager Desk at the Synod.
Using the free Adobe Reader is recommended for fill-in PDFs. Using the free Adobe Reader is recommended for fill-in PDFs. Please follow the instructions above this panel to be sure you've downloaded the file before you begin to work.
The Synod Matthew 25 Grant is a unique Special and Restricted Funds opportunity that churches in the Synod of SoCal and Hawaii may apply for to assist them in meeting one or more of the goals of the PCUSA Matthew Movement—to eradicate systemic poverty, dismantle systemic racism and build congregational vitality.
PLEASE NOTE: All applications must come from your Presbytery. Please contact your Presbytery Executive. Questions? Please email the Business Manager Desk at the Synod.
The Partnering Grants Program follows a specific protocol. Requests are created in close cooperation with Presbytery leadership and approved by the Presbytery first.
* You may download the Partnering Grants Protocol HERE.
Within this document are links to the PCUSA's Mission Grant Program and to the Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program as well as other useful information needed to work with the Synod's Partnering Grants Work Group.
PLEASE NOTE: All applications must come from your Presbytery. Please contact your Presbytery Executive.
Questions? Please email the Business Manager Desk at the Synod.
Using the free Adobe Reader is recommended for fill-in PDFs. Please follow the instructions above this panel to be sure you've downloaded the file before you begin to work.
If your church, presbytery, or Synod related partner's project idea fits within this framework of JPIC's mission, a JPIC grant might be just what you need to accomplish your goals.
Please use the application form linked above to describe your project and what financial help is needed.
PLEASE NOTE: All applications must come from your Presbytery. Please contact your Presbytery Executive.
Questions? Please email the Business Manager Desk at the Synod.
If your project relates to the PCUSA Matthew Movement, you may wish to also consider that opportunity to fund your project, listed also on this page.
\Privacy Policy
This website does not collect any personal information. We do collect numerical data as to traffic to the site, but this data is not attached in any way to our visitors' personal or computer identities. Those clicking through to other websites linked from this page are subject to those sites' privacy policies.