The Synod of Southern California and Hawaii's statement of purpose reads, Listening to the working of the Holy Spirit the Synod serves to resource our covenental relationships with presbyteries and the greater bodies of Christ.  The synod is a mid-council entity of the Presbyterian Church USA and includes 9 presbyteries--Los Ranchos, Pacific (which includes Hawaii), Riverside, San Diego, San Fernando, San Gabriel, and Santa Barbara.<

JPIC: Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation

Offering inspiration, practical suggestions and ideas as well as resources!


JPIC Grants


If your church, presbytery, or synod-related partner's project idea fits within any of these areas of concern, a JPIC grant might be just what you need to accomplish your goals. Please download and use the application form linked above to describe your project and what financial help is needed to help you move forward with your plan.

You must actually download the PDF by using the file-saving method that is customary for your device.  Just clicking on the link will show you a screen version, but your answers will not be saved. 



Matthew 25 Resources

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

Earth Care and Maui Fires Relief (PDA_ are listed elsewhere on this page.

Come back occasionally to see if more resources have been identified!



General PDA Link

PDA Update: Maui Fires

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance logoPo'okela Church in Makawao, Maui,  a UCC congregation, is pastored by the Rev. Dr. Kimberly Fong, a minister-member of Pacific Presbytery.

This dedicated, secure link shares information, resources, and includes a donation portal.

PDA's Hawaii Fires Link

PDA works collaboratively for every disaster and in this stance, PDA is supporting this church and the upcountry region of Maui, where the upcountry fire is still burning. Initially the focus is on stabilizing the residents by bringing resources to the upcountry community, which is being neglected by the media attention solely on the Lahaina/coastal area.


Earth Care Congregations

Earth Care logo
To become certified as Earth Care Congregations, churches complete activities and projects in the fields of worship, education, facilities and outreach. The Presbyterian Mission Agency has certified four congregations within the Synod as Earth Care Congregations for 2023. They are:

• Christ Church Uniting Disciples and Presbyterians
Kailua, HI   (Pacific)

• Culver City Presbyterian Church (Pacific)

• Grace First Presbyterian Church  (Los Ranchos)

• St. Mark Presbyterian Church (Los Ranchos)

From pcusa/org:


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